
4 Myths That You Believe About Using Live Chat Apps for Websites

Live chat and live chat apps for websites are quickly becoming prevalent among businesses on a local and global level. The benefits they have to offer, such as ease of use, sales boosts, and lower costs for customer service, make this feature very favorable for businesses. Despite those advantages, some businesses still steer clear of live chat systems. That’s mainly because of the many myths surrounding live chat.

If you believe them, these myths could end up holding you back. For this reason, we’re taking the time to highlight the truth behind common myths about using live chat.

Myth 1: Live Chat Is Not Secure

Security is a major reason why many businesses don’t adapt live chat software. With data breaches becoming commonplace, even customers have a fear of sharing sensitive data with websites.

The Truth: Luckily, this is not true at all. Live chat software makes use of various security measures. They include data protection rules, restriction of IP and end to end HTTPS, and more. They make live chat apps for websites so secure that many of them often have document-sharing options for customers to make it easier to get their problems addressed immediately.

Myth 2: Live Chat Is Automated

Many people tend to believe that the live chat feature on websites only puts them in touch with an automated bot. This often makes them hesitant to use the feature or prompts them to completely ignore the live chat software.

The Truth: Live chat software makes use of live agents who are real people. That is why they try so much to inject some personality into the chat. They want to convince visitors that someone real is handling their problems. Personalization is a helpful way to dispel the myth of automation.

Myth 3: No One Makes Use of Live Chat

A lot of businesses don’t implement live chat software because they believe that no one makes use of it. They have their social media channels, emails, phone numbers, and other channels that reach out to the customers just fine.

The Truth: There is data available which shows that live chat software not only has better results, but it also produces more results and has a higher rate of resolution. Around 92% of all customers have expressed higher levels of customer satisfaction with the help of live chat apps for website assistance. Moreover, if you don’t offer it to your customers, you cannot see for yourself the massive change it can bring to your business.

Myth 4 – It is Only Good For Big Companies to Use

Many small businesses believe that live chat software is only meant for use by big businesses. Since they have such a large target market, they need to respond to their clientele swiftly. However, small businesses don’t need to make use of it.

The Truth: This is not true at all. Small businesses can get plenty of benefits when using live chat software. From faster resolution to better customer engagement, live chat software can help a small business stand out from its competitors with ease.


Don’t believe the myths about live chat apps. Try it for yourself before you form an opinion.

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