
5 Useful Statistics about Live Chat Software for Website

Many businesses choose to install live chat software for website because they know that their consumers require it. However, you’ll be happy to know that this feature isn’t just popular because of the consumers. It also has a host of other benefits for your business. 

If you have been on the fence about getting this software, take a closer look at all the benefits associated with it. Knowing them beforehand can help you make the right decision about whether or not you should use live chat software for website:

  1. Shortest Response Times

As compared to other mediums for customer support such as email or phone, live chat software has the fastest response times and shortest waiting times. 

This means that you are less likely to face disgruntled or angry consumers. Remember that shorter wait times = happy consumers.  

  1. Highest Satisfaction Rates

Customer satisfaction with live chat software for website is higher than it is for other channels of customer support. In fact, live chat ranks among the top of the list.

Given this factor, it is easy to see that live chat software is going to be the best choice for you to have. 

  1. More Conversions

Conversions of sales are actually higher when you’re using live chat software for website. This is due to the fact that it allows consumers to ask questions regarding the product. Many consumers claim that this flexibility allows them to make up their minds about a purchase. 

Companies have reported an increase in revenue by as much as 48%. They’re also claiming that conversion rate improves by as much as 40% when consumers are given live chat software to use. Additionally, the average value of most orders was increased by 10%.

  1. Inexpensive to Setup 

Out of all the different mediums available for customer support services, live chat software for website is one of the most inexpensive and affordable ones. Setting up phone helplines and dedicated emails for customer support are more expensive options than it might appear.

That’s why more and more small businesses are picking live chat as the best option for them to get. With enough flexibility to accommodate a small budget and the growth spurt of small businesses, this is one of the best mediums to offer to your consumers. 

  1. Lack of It is a Major No-No 

More consumers expect businesses to offer them customer support through live chat. In fact, 63% of visitors will not work with a business if there is no live chat software. As a major factor that helps to improve the buying experience, build consumer trust and give support, live chat is a necessity for small businesses to have.

Without it, you’re literally dooming your business to a slower growth. Just remember, if your competitors are using it, you should too. So, don’t overlook this amazing feature. 


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