
9 Tips to Make a Live Chat More Effective

Live chat support sometimes is the best way to help customers during online purchases. A few tips below can help you evaluate your service and find room for improvement.

1. Offer your customers to email a copy of a transcript in the end of a live chat session. Some customers regret when they forget to request the chat transcript, so they will be grateful if you prevent it.

2. Use canned messages. Canned messages save your time and help sound professional in any situation. Remember to use them carefully and do not make customers think that they are talking to a machine.

3. Use proactive invitations. Invite visitors to chat to increase conversion on target pages. Some visitors may refuse your invitation, but at least they will be aware that they can receive help online.

4. Transfer a chat when needed. If you are involved in a chat that is outside your level of expertise, you need to transfer the chat to a more experienced agent.

5. Check chat history for returning visitors. Customers will appreciate the fact that they do not have to repeat their previous problems. Also you will save them from repeated advices.

6. Add a chat button to your emails. A chat button in your emails will allow your customers to contact you right away if they have any questions regarding the email.

7. Use upsell and cross-sell. Chat agents can persuade customers to purchase a more advanced product or accessories for it. Always search for opportunities to sell more.

8. Offer a post-chat survey. The post-chat surveys help you evaluate your performance and they show your customers that you care about their experience.

9. Provide online support 24×7. If you trade worldwide, you should be able to provide support 24×7. If you are not able to provide 24×7 support, make sure that you post your chat hours clearly on your website.

Properly organized live chat service can dramatically increase your sales and improve customer satisfaction. Make sure you do not miss anything.


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