
Avoid Poor Customer Service with Website Support Chat

Exceptional customer service is a necessity today’s market. No company can survive if customers are not treated with respect and value. Here are five “sins” of poor customer service that you should not commit if you want to create a positive relationship with your customers.

customer relations

Offering Too Much Information

The job of customer service personnel on website support chat is to make a purchase decision less confusing for prospective customers. Giving too much information can have the opposite effect. Customer service response should be concise and to the point.

When talking with the customers, make sure that you only tell them what they want to know. When you tell them more, it can make them back away from a purchase due to being overloaded with information.

Being Indifferent to Customers

Another customer service “sin” is being indifferent to the concerns of the customers. Not caring about the customers’ concern when interacting via website support chat reflects poorly on the company’s image. It will result in high customer churn rate that will have a negative impact on the company’s profitability.

No Collaboration with Marketing

Customer service and marketing are two sides of the same coin, with both focused on winning the hearts of the customers. That’s why it’s unwise to keep these two departments separate with no interaction. There should be a deep collaboration between the marketing and customer service teams. The customer service personnel should understand the value proposition, brand message, and unique selling point as much as the marketing personnel.

Not Integrating Live Chat

Website support chat software represents the latest evolution of customer support. Using live chat feature, customer support staff will be able to manage multiple customers at the same time. Integrating live chat support with the website can drastically increase the conversion rates.

Not Showing Respect to the Customer

At the end of the day, a customer is a prized possession of a company. Treating them with disrespect or indifference is like shooting oneself in the foot. The only one who suffers from poor treatment of the customer is the company. A customer will easily switch to another rival, but a company will have to incur additional cost in finding new customers.

Customer service can be a daunting task. Avoid the mistakes that are listed here and you are sure to keep your customers happy and loyal.

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