
Ethics in Customer Service: How It Makes a Customer Trust You

Everybody makes mistakes. We are used to sort out our own faults, but sometimes we have to deal with our colleagues’ mistakes. Customer trust can be based on how good you are in troubleshooting. Do you know how it can affect customer trust when you sound positive or negative about your colleague when you talk to an affected customer? Do you know how you usually sound? 

What your customers think when you are negative about your colleague’s mistake or attitude.

You may see that your negative attitude to your colleagues in front of customers causes doubts about the entire company. 

When you sound positive about your colleague.

Positive attitude does not mean that you are happy about the trouble. But you are focused on resolving it instead of blaming your colleague. You admit that anyone can make a mistake, and you are positive about educating your team.

Here’s what your customers hear when you sound positive:

When you talk to customers, always speak positive about your colleagues. Every employee in your company is able to do this. This one simple rule affects customer trust magically.

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