
HelpOnClick Acquired Repuso

HelpOnClick acquired Repuso

We are happy to announce that HelpOnClick recently acquired Repusoa great online tool that will help you build trust with your clients and increase sales.

What is Repuso?

Repuso is a tool for online marketing that collects reviews about your brand from all over the Web, and presents them in a beautiful way to your prospects and customers on your website.

Keep your finger on the pulse of customer demand

Customer reviews are one of the main sales drivers in todays cluttered marketplace. Product  market is oversupplied. Customers refuse to buy products when they cannot make a choice from dozens of alternatives. Advertising is obtrusive and ineffective. This is the age of customer reviews.

Customers decide, if your product is good enough. Customers decide if your product is worth buying. Customers are welcomed to share their opinion on hundreds platforms where you cannot control it. Today, it does not matter what you tell about your product. It matters what customers tell about it.

Repuso saves time and efforts for you by providing an opportunity to monitor social media and review websites from one place. It collects your brand mentions from multiple websites in your Repuso inbox, where you can manage them and approve to show on your website. Repuso notifies you about new mentions via email on an hourly, daily or weekly basis.

Product Overview - Channels Repuso

Today, Repuso supports Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Zendesk, iTunes, Google play and Delighted. Our plan at HelpOnClick is to add more platforms and services, such as Trip Advisor, GetApp, Yelp and much more. You are welcome to suggest platforms that you would like to monitor via Repuso.

Product Overview - Integrations Repuso

Present reviews on your website

Renewal of testimonials on your website is not a headache anymore. With nice Repuso widgets you can show new testimonials on your website as soon as they appear on any of the monitored sources. You only need to click to approve a review to make it visible on the widget.

We plan to create more widgets to fit in various website designs and layouts. We are sure you will be able to find the one that suits you best.

Goodies for HelpOnClick customers

Repuso will stay as a standalone product. Still for our customers we have a special present dedicated to our acquaintance. Get Professional plan for only $6 per month! To claim the special offer, sign up to the Starter plan and send us an email to hello [at] In the message specify your email address used to register a Repuso account and your email address used to register a HelpOnClick account. If you have an account with HelpOnClick, we’ll upgrade your Repuso account for free.

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