The HelpOnClick Live Chat Software has been constantly improving; and we are now happy to announce some new, very useful features, already available. Keep reading to find out more information!
To see these features Live, just Log into your account or Register for an absolutely free 14 days trial, in 30 seconds.
1. Your Visitor’s IP address is now available under the Information Tab, when a chat session is active.
When a chat session is active, your operator can click the Information Tab and see specific visitor information, now including the IP address.
If you click “Send to Developer”, you will see a new window, which allows you to send an email to your developer, providing the code.
It’s very easy: just type your developer’s email address into the “Email” field. The “Message” box will contain a ready-made e-mail, which provides your developer with the code itself and with installation instructions. You can customize the email if you wish, or you can just click “Send”. And this is it; your developer receives your message and is ready to install your Live Chat Software on the website.
3. New pagination on your “Archive” Tab.
To make navigation easier for you, we have created pagination under the “Archive” Section. This way, it will be easier for you to find a certain conversation, at a certain date and time, for instance.
If you would like to have a look at these features, just Log into your account or Register in 30 seconds, for an absolutely free 14 days trial.
If you have further suggestions, feedback or requests, you can contact us anytime by Chat, or just leave us a comment.