
How to Measure and Improve Customer Experience

Increasing number of business owners are now becoming aware of the importance of focusing on customer experience. A research conducted by Forrester has found that more than 73 percent of businesses stated that customer experience is extremely important. However, only 1 percent of the companies were providing exceptional customer service.

Customer experience metrics are important in ensuring quality customer service. In this article, we will share some valuable tips regarding measuring and improving customer service experience.

How to Measure Customer Service Experience

Trying to determine how the customers view the goods and services of a company is important. One way to measure the customer experience is by creating online customer surveys using online services such as Survey Monkey. The comments of the customers can help a company to refine the knowledge about user experiences, and refine the processes accordingly.

Another way companies can measure customer service is by using online digital medium to connect with the customers. The customers can be promoted to provide feedback through an online application, messenger, email, or live chat. The input from the customers can prove invaluable in improving conversion and retention rates.

Tactics to Improve Customer Service Experience

A company must focus on improving customer service experience. There are many strategies that can be implemented to improve the customer experience. The first tip is to have a clear vision that is aligned with the customer values. The customer focused vision should act as a gilding principle in delivering customer experience.

Once the vision is aligned with customer values, it can guide the behavior within the organization. Every employee will follow the principles that will help ensure exceptional customer service delivery.

An example of aligning vision with customer values is that of Zappos. The company has embedded core customer values in their vision that includes being humble, leveraging from change, and delivering a wow experience.

Another important advice to improve customer experience is to use digital technologies to fully understand the needs and pain points of the customers. If the company fully understands the wants and needs of the customers, it will help them deliver customer experience that not just meets but exceeds the expectations of the customers.

Finally, a company should strive to create an emotional connection with the customers. The best customer service experience is achieved when the marketing message contains an emotional message. More than half of the customer experience is shaped by feelings and emotions that influences the purchase decision.

Bottom Line

Capturing feedback from the customers is the ideal way to measure customer experience. In this respect digital medium is a highly cost effective method to connect with the customers. Post interaction surveys using live chat, email, and social media posts can help in gaining more insightful feedback about the customer experience. This can help in improving the customer service and making them loyal customers of the company.

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