
More Sales on Christmas Season! It Is Possible!

Is there live chat support on your e-Commerce website? No? You are losing your customers and income!


It is the hottest time of Christmas season now. Christmas is so close, and there are so many things to do and buy. This is the busiest time for many retailers. Sign in your website analytics account and check if conversion rate of your website is low, satisfying or great. Don’t think it is great? You have a room to improve it!

There is a good opportunity to improve your online sales almost immediately. Install HelpOnClick live chat to your website and let your sales person or someone who knows your products communicate to your website visitors via live chat. HelpOnClick live chat can be integrated into any website within just few minutes, so you can see the results today!

Here are some tips on how you can better assist your website visitors on Christmas season.

You have few more days to increase your Christmas sales and make your customers happy. Hurry up and sign up for HelpOnClick live chat service. It is free for 14 days, and limited Christmas offer is coming! Be the lucky one!

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