

If you’re using an eCommerce platform like BigCommerce, its broad range of user experience features can seem daunting to even the most tech-savvy customer. This is why it’s important to integrate a beneficial BigCommerce live chat feature on your site.

Sell Everywhere

BigCommerce gives you the unique ability to sell over a variety of platforms. With over 20,000 successful online stores, it’s no wonder that it’s one of the most successful shopping cart platforms on the market currently. You can sell on eBay, Amazon, and even Facebook, all while managing from one simple platform. You may have customers coming to you faster than you can keep up. In this regard, it is important to integrate live chat software for BigCommerce to keep up with your customers.

Use HelpOnClick to integrate BigCommerce live chat and distribute your products and services online.

Log into your BIGCommerce Administration account, from your store’s address or by going to:
In the Settings dropdown, select Live Chat Settings.


Select “Other Third Party Live Chat Service” in the list then click Save to enable the chat.


Once you click Save, there will be a new tab under your Live Chat Settings section. Select the new tab called “Other Third Party Live Chat Service”.


On your HelpOnClick console, go to Admin->Code and copy the HTML code


On your “Other Third Party Live Chat Service” tab > scroll down to Settings > Live Chat Code and paste the code you just copied from the HelpOnClick console.


Choose the location of your chat from the “Chat Box Location” dropdown. If you choose to implement an icon or a text link, these will appear at the selected location, however the widget will be shown at the bottom left or right side of your store, depending on your preference.

Click Save and that’s it! Your BigCommerce live chat integration is now up and running, ready to assist your customers.

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