After launching the new Facebook App, HelpOnClick has now developed a new feature, to enable users to provide social interaction to their customers, through the Live Chat system. Users can now add social buttons to their Widget and Chat Window, so that customers can Like their Facebook Page, Follow them on Twitter or on Google +1.
The new social buttons can be added to the Widget, so that customers can easily use them while chatting with a representative.
In addition, the buttons can easily be set up to appear on the main chat window, just like in the image below.
The setup is very easy:
The buttons can be enabled from the Admin > Settings section, by filling in your social IDs and checking the corresponding boxes, for displaying the buttons either on the chat widget or window.
The settings can also be customized for each of your websites, by going to Admin > Setup > Website and editing the settings.
Do you like the new buttons or have further feedback for our team? Post a comment below or Chat with us.