Warren Buffet once said that it takes decades to build a reputation and just minutes to ruin it. If this resonates with you, you should start making efforts to ensure a flawless customer service experience for your customers. Aiming for the best customer service is a worthy goal that can make a positive impact on both the top and bottom line of the company.
A survey of AmEx had found that satisfied customers share their experience with on average nine other people. What’s more, a customer service report published by Oracle stated that more than 86 percent of the customers that received quality service were willing to pay for a product or service. This clearly shows the benefits of making efforts to improve customer service quality.
In this article, we have compiled a list of five tips that can help any company boost the quality of its customer service and make a positive impact on the customers’ perception of the company.
1. Make Improving Customer Service Quality a Priority
Most companies know the importance of improving customer service quality. Yet, only a few take steps in this way. By focusing on customer service quality, you can gain an edge over your rivals, retain customers, and earn greater returns. Always commit to going the extra mile in satisfying the customers. This will pay dividends in the form improved brand image and above average profits.
2. Avoid Leaving Your Customers in a Limbo
Remember that your customers are your most important assets. They are the most valuable persons for any company. It’s, therefore, important that you go above and beyond the call of duty to keep them fully satisfied.
Handle every call and email received from the customers with a sense of urgency. The majority of customers want an immediate solution of the problems. They don’t like waiting a long time to get their issues fixed. To ensure quality customer service, it’s essential that you take prompt action in relation to the request and complaints of the customers.
3. Focus on Customer Engagement
While speed is also important in resolving customers’ queries, it is also important to take the time to create customer engagement. A report published by Gallup had found that companies that take the effort to build and sustain customer relationship were also able to retain the customers. Creating customer engagement requires both speed and efficiency in engaging with customers. This will likely make the best impact on the company’s brand image, customer retention, and profitability.
4. Make Use of Digital Technologies
Today a large number of people use the net to socialize, shop, and entertain. That’s why it’s essential for a company to utilize digital technologies such as virtual assistant, live chat, and others to connect with the customers. The extra effort and investment made in adopting digital customer service technologies will pay back in the form of improved customer engagement and satisfaction.
5. Treat the Employees Well
Richard Branson, one of the most successful entrepreneurs had stated that employees rather than the customers come first. If you take care of the employees, the employees will take better care of your customers.
In conclusion, a company can greatly improve its market image, retention rates, and profitability, by boosting customer service quality. The above are just some of the tips that can jump-start your company’s drive to ensure high-quality customer service.