Time to time again customer service is talked about. But have anyone told you before that customer service all about handling unhappy, rude, upset unsatisfied customers? No? Let us look at this side of the picture. Customers can make or break your company therefore you need to be very careful while dealing with them. You will have to face a lot of criticism from them. But the key point is that you should lose your temper. Instead of giving up follow the simple process to manage the difficult customers.
Ensure excellent class of service:
- Quality service does miracle.
- Be friendly with your customers and listen to their problems with patience.
- Give them attention and do not get puzzled.
- Adjust your own mind set and determine what is bothering your customer / prospect. And the online business men can integrate live chat software to their projects to keep in direct contact with them.
- Delay in response can also be a negative point.
- Offer your customer a solution to their issue or might give them the power to decide the compensation for the situation.
- A return of product or cancellation of services if possible should be immediately carried.
“Customer is always right.”
- Never indulge in an argument with the customer.
- Make them feel that you truly understand their point of view how sorry you are.
Another type of customer is the one who have negative attitude towards company because of their past experiences. Value them and check back giving them with a solution. You may ask humbly, “Would that be satisfactory sir?” Tell them you still care in order to change their view about you. Focus on the customer demands to retain them. Certainly live chat software would be a helpful communication tool online.